Three Book That had an Impact on Me

Daily writing prompt
List three books that have had an impact on you. Why?

I love reading so much. However, mostly, the book that I read are fiction. So, I cannot say which book particularly that has an impact on me. Here I will just give an example of books that give an impact on me, that is Harry Potter. I don’t need to mention one by one because Harry Potter itself has 8 books, so it’s all of them. All of them giving big impact on me.

Through Harry Potter novels, I learned that no matter how bad situation that we have, we shouldn’t give up on something. We have to keep moving and living. Harry Potter teaches me that we shouldn’t pity ourselves. It means we have to face our problem and don’t be coward. No excused.

Actually, I learned a lot from Harry potter. Harry Potter novels make me become a person who loves reading and writing. Because of Harry Potter, I’ve been trying to explore my imagination and write it down into a story. For now, it’s still as a hobby, but one day I hope I can publish a novel as well. Amin.

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